24 recent updates for life in France you may have missed Changes to household bills, new social media tax checks, altered travel rules and more
10 changes for everyday life in France in 2025 They include the end of copper internet cables and the start of AI-integrated phones
Shop olive oil: French consumer group names cheapest healthiest option It is now rare to find a litre of olive oil for less than €10
practical Who can I appoint as my power of attorney in France Antonia Ridley-Hughes of Ashtons Legal, answers a reader query
Foreign couples and French marriage regimes: key points to know A look at how marriage laws in France can impact property ownership and inheritance
Five things they don't tell you about… apéros in France Pointers from courses to socially acceptable drinks
French benefit explainer: ‘Allocation de rentrée scolaire’ We look at who is eligible for the ‘back-to-school’ grant in 2024, how to apply and how much is available
Letters: I have four addresses for the same house in France Connexion reader responds to a recent article on rural properties not having a proper address
Options and rates for prepaid SIM cards in France as Bouygues cards end You can transfer your old phone number to a new operator. We look at the options
Opinion: France's new addresses lack imagination - but they do help There is no longer anywhere to hide in rural areas
38 communes in south France recognised as new drought disaster zones People affected can now claim on their catastrophe naturelle insurance, but the issue looks set to reoccur this year
Save hens from French slaughterhouses – and get free eggs in return Company says the chickens it rescues can help recycle household waste
Five things to know to understand the French mindset Why being polite means not being too friendly and arriving late is sometimes best
Five things they don’t tell you about… school kermesses in France We look at how fundraisers for the local church turned into annual school parties that are a huge part of French village life Letters: Cold callers are are big nuisance in France Residency card delays: French authorities pledge to reform system Solar panel scams affect one in three buyers in France
Residents fight pay-by-bag bin fees in south-west France Two associations are taking legal action against the firm that provides the service 15 recent and upcoming changes for living in France How to handle disputes with your neighbours in France French supermarkets join trend for bottles of ‘luxury water’ What is date of Father’s Day 2024 in France and how is it celebrated? Unlocking the puzzle of French humour
What shops can open in France on Sundays and does it vary by region? From supermarkets and DIY stores to the local butcher and bakery, we take a look at which shops open when most are closed in France
Why Danish version of Ikea is opening so many shops in France Jysk started as a bedding specialist in Jutland, but is now setting its sights on major expansion in the Hexagon
Why household water bills are set to soar in France Costs could rise by as much as 50% over the next five to 10 years, say water firms. There could also be a crackdown on people with wells and boreholes
Which cigarette packets rise in price in France on June 1, 2024? Predictions show a €25 packet could be on the way
Tips for those wanting to move to France but blocked by doubt How determination, planning and a positive attitude can overcome the barriers to living in France
112, 15, 17: Do you know the emergency numbers to use in France? There list the many different numbers and situations of when they should be called
French homeowner wins case over smart water meter installed in absence The woman had asked for information but the company simply installed the meter instead
Above-ground swimming pools in France: rules, prices, installation They are cheaper and easier to install, but above-ground pools must still meet regulations
When is Mother’s Day in France this year? Is it well celebrated? The first official Fête des Mères took place in Artas, a small village in Isère, on June 10, 1906
18 recent and upcoming changes in France - May 2024 We cover ambulance sharing being made mandatory, cracking down on shrinkflation, changes to free samples and more
Casino supermarket boss pledges massive price reductions in France Prices up to 20% cheaper are just one of the measures announced as part of the overhaul
The biggest culture shocks for Americans in France From snack flavours to holiday allowance, Americans moving to France should prepare for some big differences
Many Casino supermarkets to become cheaper Intermarchés: where and why Find out which supermarkets are due to change and if there is one near you
What surprises people when they move to France? From not being immediately entitled to holidays to the national obsession with yoghurt
2024 bank holiday dates in France and how they are celebrated There are technically 13 statutory holidays in 2024 in France - although some are only celebrated in one area. Here are the dates to note
Gardening, DIY: what you can and cannot do on a bank holiday in France We also look what to do if your neighbours do not abide by the anti-noise rules
RANKED: France's 10 most dog-friendly towns and cities Criteria used include number of dog parks, dog-friendly public transport policies, and help for vulnerable owners and animals
How to be reimbursed for lost or stolen parcels in France Here are the steps to take if your item never shows up
Advice for the newly separated in France When your relationship breaks down, how do you cope in France and should you stay?
Advice for the newly bereaved in France and English-speaking help When the worst happens, how do you cope in France?
10 days off for just 3 holiday days: Why French workers love May We also look at where people are planning to go during this added holiday time
More than 31,000 in 2024: Spectacular rise in centenarians in France Women in particular are living longer, a new report shows
How do people change when they move to France? From embracing a sportier lifestyle to keeping their brains sharp
READER FEEDBACK: What you wish you had known before moving to France See recommendations from those who have taken the plunge
Innovative ideas to tackle people’s feeling of loneliness in France Social isolation is hitting young people in particular, a study shows - we look at some innovative solutions
French AI system can see inside bin bags: what is it being used for? The technology uses a camera to detect anomalies, and is already used by 45 communes
More everyday French supermarket products accused of ‘shrinkflation’ Cordon-bleu, yoghurts, and ham are in the firing line, with prices up to 25% higher for lower quality items
Emergency cash, care advice: Nine ways a French social worker can help We look at the role of social workers in France and the support they offer to those in need
Five things they don’t tell you about the President of France A humorous look at the position and pomp of the Président de la République
WATCH: Brothers’ battle in French table tennis final ends in tears Older brother Alexis Lebrun comes out on top - and jumps on the table to celebrate while his brother cries
Covid-19: French state guilty of stopping son visiting dying father ‘The last words my dad said to me on the phone were: “Don’t worry, we’ll see each other again.”’
Benefit controls in France: Criticism of how people are selected Family associations claim that the ‘scoring’ algorithm used is discriminatory and targets vulnerable people
French people are having much less sex, new poll suggests There is an increasingly marked disinterest, it claims, citing time spent on screens and less of a feeling of ‘marital duty’ among reasons
Can I write my own will in English in France? Whatever the language requirements a notaire is not necessarily needed but certain rules must be followed
Moving letter from daughter to late father in US washes up in Gironde ‘You are my legend’: The letter - well-sealed in a glass bottle - allowed the finder to trace the writer, 6,000 km away
UK income threshold plan for British-French families called ‘cruel’ People who left the UK to live in France may not be able to return with their family if British visa minimum income levels double, says campaigner
How can I lower the ‘gift’ tax on a present to a relative? There are certain ways to reduce the tax you need to pay
Is ‘de’ a sign of being from a ‘posh’ or noble French family? There is often thought to be a certain cachet to having a so-called ‘particule’
Explained: the ‘parts’ system for tax in France We explain how this and the regime allows married couples and larger families to pay a reduced amount of French income tax
What girls’ and boys’ names are trending for babies in France? Short and retro names are popular as are regional and mediaeval names
Father dies after freak fun park accident with daughter, 4, in France An inflatable ‘bouncy castle’-type structure was picked up by a strong wind and flew around 50 metres away, carrying the pair inside
What do I do with my French livret de famille? If you recently got married in France or obtained French citizenship, you may have received a livret de famille. Here’s what you need to know
In French inheritance law, what is a pacte de famille? We look at this French inheritance option and when it is advantageous
More than 800 cousins from same French family gather for a party A French couple’s dying wishes began the tradition in 1898
Macron's anger after family member attacked in northern France France’s president said Jean-Baptiste Trogneux was beaten by protesters in Amiens because he was a relation of Brigitte Macron
Son of American WWII pilot retraces father’s escape across France An event on Sunday will explore the story of Paul Miller and showcase the journey he took to evade capture after crash landing in the French countryside
What happens to a French bank account after a person’s death? Can a spouse automatically access the funds?
How do I recover funds from my late father’s French bank account? If a person living in the UK dies and leaves behind a bank account in France, this is more complicated to recover than the UK assets
Explainer: How to bring family to live with you in France post-Brexit Non-EU citizens can move to France with family – we look at the visas and cartes de séjour that will be needed
EU to review legality of recent French law on children’s inheritance A British woman has made an official complaint against recent changes on forced heirship rules
‘I swapped hairdressing in UK for family window business in France’ Jane Robertshaw, explains how hairdressing kept her away from her sons. Their move to France brought a new family venture
French forced inheritance rule raises questions about English law A 2021 law re-enforcing children’s rights to a share of their parent’s estate has caused issues for nationals of countries including the UK
Is it better to lend to grandchildren in France or to make gifts? There are pro’s and cons when it comes to these options, but you should be aware of the tax and declaration implications
Court ruling raises issues for family members of EU citizens in France The EU court has ruled on the right to an EU long-term resident’s card for close family members of Europeans living in another EU country
Incest in France: new report does not call for full ban The government has been advised, however, to pass a law introducing the automatic removal of parental authority from parents committing incest
I deserve a gold star for choosing to raise my five kids in France With Mother’s Day in France on Sunday (May 29) – Gillian Harvey reflects on her decision to bring up her family in France
Is it true that there are no incest laws in France? We look into this topic after reports in the British press this year claiming that France is about to ban incest
Recap: Baby gifts, taxi fees, meat labels… 10 recent changes in France There has also been an increase in motorway tolls and the launch of a new online ‘health space’ for residents